Beautiful! The composition was created by French sculptor Pierre Matte, combining living nature and technology that penetrates into all corners of the Earth. Here's what he said about his composition:
- "One of these lions is completely natural, and the second one has mechanical and technological components integrated into the body. To some extent, it is ourselves – we who look at ourselves through the mirror of time. On the one hand, we look at ourselves as ordinary people, with all our past and history, on the other hand, we see ourselves as people of the future, which is saturated with technology and the risk of losing some control over ourselves. In the end, these two lions turn out to be a single continuous being, just like humans. We are all individuals, but at the same time we are part of a holistic humanity that is shaping the paths of the future. This idea is strong in Astana. The old town transforms itself into a futuristic city. With this feeling, I look at the recent history of Astana: the city is looking for its future."
It's worth stopping and taking a look.
Interesting sculpture, ambiguous perception. It stands out positively against the background of other sculptures of the city. In general, the arrangement around Talan Tower is excellent. You can copy it, it's a good option.