A large selection of products, everything is cool, I did not notice the missing product (I buy it regularly).Sellers are plowing, though without smiles, but with such a volume!jobs!I removed one star because they work only for cash. The store is clean!
what inadequate saleswomen on Polotsk 7B in the prod. The store is a fairy tale , they do not care about their reputation ,
these marfushkas alone have the joy of filling their pockets ! The dairy department is a scam ! then they will not give enough eggs, then they will cheat on dairy products!
the main thing is hysterical--what else-- ?? what else is rotten to sell ! I am very ashamed of you! The diner is smelly!
They hang up and cheat, they can stick stale products in, the sellers are rude and smoke like steam locomotives near the entrance to the store. They have a constant turnover, as soon as you get a new face behind the counter, you need to check their store for the quality and timing of products.