A store in Pavlodar as an example of the correct selection of an assortment of accessories, gadgets, and computer equipment . it was always possible to pick up what you need in the highest quality. It's a pity, but it's closed now. The service center is also not working. Another part of our 90s has gone. part of the union.
An excellent store in terms of a computer system. Everything is available from a USB flash drive for any choice to powerful processors. In general, if you need a computer, they will pick up what you need there. And there is also a good selection of laptops and external media in the store. And there is a guarantee for the entire range. There are also accumulator batteries.
It was in this store that my first personal computer was bought back in 2005, what can I say about this store? It does not need advertising. A large assortment of hardware for PCs and not only, a good selection of acoustics and various consumables for printers.
During the entire existence of the store, I have not seen this store somehow promoted or advertised on TV or any social networks!