Соотечественники! У нас в Казахстане есть своя Швейцария! Красив ейшее место, Текели с интересной историей. И там ещё более красивое место гостиница Швейцария. Не уступает турецким! Администраторы Наталья и прекрасная Гульнур создают ощущение дворца и каждый гость король. Кухня такая, что перестанет считать колории даже самый претезательный гурман. Советую всем. Отдыхаем уже не первый раз в Швейцарии
The staff is very polite. I was driving late when the cafes were closed - I expressed a desire to eat in the room. When I arrived at the reserved room, the dishes were waiting for me!!! The room does not have a shower, but a bathtub. Everything is gorgeous. They didn't rush to leave. When I forgot the power bank and charger, they found it without any questions and handed it over to the courier. I take off the star for the very long wait for breakfast, the lack of a closet in the room and the fact that the pipe was leaking heavily - the floor near the toilet was completely wet