The school is good, but the headmistress is very strange, she comes to the lineup twice a year and when there is a commission, the food in the cafeteria is very expensive, there are often not enough classrooms, like a lyceum, and the school is small, and students are not punished for misconduct, and if they are punished, it is not harsh.
The school is great, my sister goes there, the youngest goes, everyone likes everything! My relatives also go there, I also like everyone, to be honest, the school is very cool, especially the students and the director with the head teacher, they are all kind, as soon as you come to this school, you immediately moan to your relatives! 5 stars for the attention, respect, understanding of the teachers, and
thanks to the head teachers and the director!!😉👍
So, until 2020, the school was super, I'm taking a child from another area because the teachers were the best. In 2020, excellent teachers began to leave school, if there are still strong teachers in elementary school, then in the middle school of PHYSICS and MATHEMATICS there was a strong teacher only in Russian, good in physics and chemistry, and useless in algebra and geometry, instead of somehow teaching children, they just give tasks without explanations and lectures, and for ratings, the objectionable are transferred to other classes or survive from school by all means, 4 excellent students in our class went to other schools. Before going to this school, you need to think carefully.