They force the guards to wash the floors and wipe them after flooding, while the guards still work as watchmen, the school is falling apart, make a good overhaul next year, they specifically make the guards to blame for all their troubles, and they themselves are angels.
There are eternal floods in this school and every year their water runs, and they do not hide it, but they share money from the budget well and save.
I advise you to avoid the school, tax and other services are needed here, who will completely replace the plumbing.
Put the school in order, maybe then people will come to you to study.
AVOID the caretaker, make you work where you don't need to.
They are not afraid of it, but God is their judge.
Teachers do not teach at all, they sell not very good food in the canteen, and junior high school students are given free but bad food once there was a cockroach in a cutlet and yes cockroaches walk around the school and teachers say that all of the students of the school in short, I do not advise
They should be stripped of their license for educational services. Elementary school children are not allowed to go to the toilet. The director and the Head Teacher approve of this! Just one example. They persistently extort money from parents to repair schools, classrooms, and gifts to teachers. This is with funding from the President himself! The President's money is being actively stolen.
School just sucks! Teachers don't teach anything, they sit in their phones with headphones in class, and students are allowed to sit in their phones in class! All students are freeloaders