There are no teachers in the school. Lately, the rules have become like in prison. The nurse was absent for a long time. They could not give a normal schedule. Students at school rush at each other, smoke in the toilets, and teachers and other management just don't care. Sometimes teachers demand more from students than they should. Parents are annoyed by this. I do not advise you to come to this school, as there have been no teachers in various subjects for a long time.
teachers who do not understand, holes in the walls, toilets are painted, repairs have not been done for a long time, the stadium is already holding up somehow, soon it will just overgrow with grass
It would not hurt to repair and renovate the stadium, and also a crack in the wall interferes with the educational process, well, the organs painted in the toilet...
I study at this school, in principle, I am not outraged.
Not all, but most teachers support the students and treat the subject normally.
Of the disadvantages, the school is too small, the dining room with an assembly hall in one room
This is not a large, but cozy integrated learning school. Ie, in some classes there are 2 or more children with an OPFR. This is probably a minus, but the reality of Belarusian education. The school is actively engaged in educational work. I'm a homeroom teacher, so I'm telling you what I know. The technological base is not bad. Collaborates with the #1 Hareographic school. After 1st and up to 4th grade, you can study right there (being a student of 83 schools).There are many experienced teachers. Ped.the composition is good. One of the disadvantages, probably, is that events like concerts are held in the dining room. And not a very large gym. But you get used to it too. The school has a Museum named after G.K. Zhukov.
An old small school in a residential area. Among the advantages are small classes (in terms of the number of children), intimacy. Among the disadvantages are the lack of teachers, an assembly hall and a dining room in the same room
I studied there myself. She didn't give her children there. I won't even give up my grandson at gunpoint. We need to demolish and build a new modern building. Although, who will teach the children? The level of teachers in this school is below the baseboard. They only know that they are chasing children to lay flowers at the Zhukov monument.