I'm not a school, I'm a madhouse! Children swear, scream under the windows, arrange fights. During a physical education lesson, teachers don't even look at the fact that children are swearing at the whole neighborhood. At the moment, music is yelling at the school, there is a house behind the school, there is also a house in front of them, the music is yelling so much that the walls are shaking with the windows closed. Someone has children, someone is working, and the music is screaming, no one has a sense of tact. You can't get through to the school!
I studied at this school from 2000 to 2011. She studied in the advanced English language class from grades 2 to 9, then in the class with a physics and mathematics bias. After graduating from school, I never took English language courses, as the knowledge I gained was of an excellent level (I easily passed IELTS), and I still remember the studied materials. Since that time, I don't know what has changed in school (the teaching model, teacher training, etc.), but I have positive emotions when I remember my school.