Ассорти из четырёх незабываемых вкусов. Хочу всё и сразу (Пепперони, ветчина, шампиньоны, сыр чеддер, сыр гауда,сыр моцарелла, помидор,соус Мутти (Томаты Пилатти, соус чили, прованские травы))
2790 ₸
Пицца ветчина грибы 30см
Ветчина и грибы, грибы и ветчина. Уже вкусно! А ведь там ещё сыр, сливки и специи
They make it tasty and fast. The rolls are delicious and big. Pleasant service. High-quality service. Convenient location. We will definitely order more. Thank you so much for the delicious dinner!!!
As always, everything is insanely delicious!!! The order was made through the app, accepted immediately, answered!! The order was prepared within 15 minutes. Thank you very much for the delicious treat, and prosperity to your team!!
I ordered sushi not for the first time in this delivery, and I was satisfied! They arrived on time, everything is fresh and delicious. The rolls are neatly folded, the packaging is reliable. I will order more!