Комплексный шиномонтаж ЛЕТО-ЗИМА / ЗИМА-ЛЕТО за 4 колеса
52 Br
Балансировка колеса
Совмещение центра тяжести колёса с осью его вращения для недопущения "биений", которые передаются в виде вибраций на руль транспортного средства. Балансировка производится на современном компьютеризированном стенде Sivik GALAXY PLUS
5 Br1 pcs.
Ремонт прокола шины
Без учёта стоимости материалов
Окончательная стоимость рассчитывается на месте в зависимости от изъяна
A cool tire with an adequate price list and at the same time high-quality service. Everything is clean and tidy inside, new equipment and courteous staff.
In short, a clear splint.
The wheels were changed quickly. The service is high-quality. Before you go, it is better to check the availability of the queue, since there is a live queue during the tire replacement season.
I was filling up the air conditioner here.
I arrived by appointment, everything is clear, without unnecessary queues)
The master is pleasant in communication, answered all questions, adequately without reproaches, the procedure, taking into account the diagnosis, took 15 minutes.
I recommend it)