I once came to my father-in-law's garage in the hills for sunsets and jumped into a hole in the road almost knee-deep (well, you know what kind of roads there are in garages in Mogilev), put on a spare tire because the disc was broken, the rubber was also broken, but it was almost new, and on leaving the garages I got to these guys told about my problem, they said- leave it tomorrow and you'll pick it up as new as the disc and tires, I laughed, well, I think okay, I'll look for a new set of wheels, but a miracle happened, they called me the next day and said everything was ready as new, I quickly packed up and arrived, my happiness knew no bounds, everything is real as new (they said the disc was welded, the tire was vulcanized) in general, the guys are just magicians, I advise everyone to contact)!!!
Quickly, calmly and confidently. The work is done for 5+. It is advisable to make an appointment in advance by phone, because there are many people who want to.