Замена тормозного суппорта: от 50 бел.руб.
Ремонт тормозного суппорта от 80 бел.руб.
Точную стоимость вы можете узнать, связавшись с нами по указанному телефону.
50 Br
Замена масла и масляного фильтра
Замена масла и масляного фильтра 30 бел.руб.
Масло и фильтр приобретаются отдельно.
30 Br
Проточка тормозных дисков
Проточка тормозных дисков от 50 бел.руб.
50 Br
Замена тормозных колодок
Замена тормозных колодок по стоимости 65 бел.руб.
60 Br
Диагностика подвески
Диагностика подвески одной оси 15-25 бел.руб.
В случае выполнения работ - бесплатно!
25 Br
Замена масла в АКПП
Стоимость аппаратной замены масла в АКПП 120 бел.руб.
Масло и фильтр приобретаются отдельно
120 Br
Замена тормозных колодок и барабанов
Замена тормозных колодок и барабанов от 50 бел. руб.
Точную стоимость для Вашего авто Вы можете узнать у наших специалистов
50 Br
Замена двигателя
Стоимость замены ДВС указана ориентировочно. Точную стоимость работ вы можете узнать у нашего специалиста.
600 Br
Замена тормозных дисков
Стоимость замены тормозных дисков от 80 бел.руб.
Точную стоимость замены для Вашего автомобиля можно узнать у наших специалистов
80 Br
Перепресовка сайлент-блока рычага подвески
Перепресовка Сайлент-блока рычага подвески от 15 бел.руб.
Repair sevices:pre-trip inspection, exhaust system repair, repair of brake system, auto repair, engine repairs, full car sevice, oil changes, installation of parking sensors, running gear repair, starter motor repairs, computer car diagnostics, car electrician repair, steering racks repairs, nozzle cleaning, fuel injector cleaning, car alarm, gearbox repair, generator repairs, repair injectors, repair of drive shafts, repair of fuel system, automotive electronics repair, carburetor repair, repair of car radiators, repair of cylinder head, headlights repair, shock absorber repair, pneumatic system repair, RKPP repair, removal of catalysts, car bridge repair, clutch repair, repair of autonomous heaters, spare parts and accessories to order, noise insulation, airbags, replacing of timing belt, installing additional equipment, turbocharger repair, DSG repair, engine endoscopy, de-coking, groove of the brake discs
I recently changed the automatic transmission in this car service, and I was completely delighted! The guys really know their job: they did everything quickly and without unnecessary conversations. I was pleasantly surprised by the level of service and professionalism, although, to be honest, I did not expect anything from this car service. The car now drives like clockwork, without jerks and extraneous sounds. Thank you so much for your excellent work!
Good guys. For me, a girl who is engaged in servicing her car herself, it is important that it be of high quality. So that they can tell you what the problems are, but there are no problems with this here. In general, I recommend it!
I was very satisfied with the quality of service and professionalism of the staff.
The masters quickly identified the problem in the braking system after diagnosis and offered several solutions.
The work was completed in exactly the agreed time frame and everything turned out to be quite inadequate for the price
I will recommend it to my acquaintances and friends.
Thanks for the great job.