Инъекции полимолочной кислоты — безопасная и эффективная процедура в косметологии для восстановления упругости кожи и коррекции контуров лица.
1099 Br
аппаратный массаж ICOONE
79.9 Br
В центре эстетической медицины и косметологии «ШайнЭст» для коллагенотерапии используют препарат «Коллост»: Micro 7% и Karisma 15%. В состав входит коллаген I типа высокой степени очистки, максимально приближенный к структуре коллагена человека.
I came to Shine on the advice of a friend. I didn't choose a doctor, I just made an appointment in the near future. I got to Zhanna Valeryevna and was very pleased. The specialist treated the area carefully, without omissions, the result is noticeable now. I regret that I did not decide on laser hair removal before. It's a delight!
I had an operation with a doctor Kozhanov N. S. I am completely satisfied with the approach to clients and prices, professionalism, experience and everything is perfectly combined.
I have been coming here for more than a year for laser hair removal to Marina Cheslavovna. Many thanks to her for the high quality of work and incredible patience!