Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
5.5 Br120 g
Биф XL
Сочная говядина в сочетании с овощами — капустой, томатами, луком и свежими огурцами. Всё это завернуто в мягкий лаваш и дополнено бальзамическим и фирменным соусами
14.5 Br490 g
Классическая L
Сочная курица в сочетании с маринованными огурцами и свежей белокочанной капустой придаёт блюду яркий вкус. Всё это завернуто в мягкий лаваш вместе с томатами и фирменным соусом
8.5 Br320 g
Классическая XL
Сочная курица в сочетании с маринованными огурцами и свежей белокочанной капустой придаёт блюду яркий вкус. Всё это завернуто в мягкий лаваш вместе с томатами и фирменным соусом
11 Br450 g
Классическая XXL
13.5 Br700 g
Королевская XXXL
Сочная курица и ароматные грибы гармонично сочетаются с освежающими маринованными огурцами и сочными томатами. Всё это завёрнуто в мягкий лаваш и дополнено фирменным соусом
17.5 Br900 g
Мужская XL
12.5 Br490 g
Сырная XL
Сочная курица и овощи в лаваше создают гармоничное сочетание. Маринованный огурец и свежая морковь придают лёгкую пикантность, а томаты добавляют сочности. Горчичный и фирменный соусы обогащают вкус, а сыр делает блюдо особенно нежным
12.5 Br490 g
Хот-дог французский
Булочка, сосиска из индейки, кетчуп, горчичный соус, фирменный соус
Excellent restaurant, a large selection of shawarma and especially beer. Polite and non-intrusive staff, everything is fast, clear and beautiful. The hall is very bright, spacious, and cozy. You rarely expect this from shawarma. Out of 10, the score is 9 and a half, because the shawarma is delicious, but not "brilliant". A hint to gourmets, there is a brilliant shawarma for Kindling on Loshitsa.
I'm editing the review a year after the opening, the guys rolled into the conveyor making money)) It's a pity, I went with my family after the first review 10 times and they swore not to go anymore. It doesn't taste good, shawarma is an herb, good beer is constantly running out in front of me. The guys are plowing like horses, I feel sorry for them
Today, perhaps, the best shavukha in the city is here in terms of price, volume and quality!
At the time of writing the review, the XL large costs 10 rubles for most positions. Tea - 2 rubles
. The assortment is large, and everything is delicious in its own way. Personally, I liked the classics, of course, and the Greek.
I hardly drink beer, I always drive. But I took a non-alcoholic German in a bottle - great!
And in general, beer lovers have something to profit from - a lot of beers, from the usual to Craft! And the hall is cozy, there are clips with naked asses on TV, but without going overboard - you can have children. Although the place is definitely for tired adult uncles who adore delicious shawundel as a reward for another working day!
This is the best place in Minsk. I managed to try all the menus except alcohol, but my friends say it's just great too. My personal favorites are Beef, Norwegian, Tropical, Teriyaki, Paprika, Greek and also very tasty in Beer.
But I did not understand the "Male" one, in my opinion, the male one should be several types of meat, for example chicken, bacon, ground beef, all this with caramel onions, fresh tomato in 1000 ostrovo sauce, hihi, this is how I dream. And there it turns out to be just a spicy carrot, it's still better than anywhere else, but it's like it's a little bit wrong.
The place itself is very comfortable, at 18.00 when I pass by from work, there is always a convenient place to sit down, and already at 18.20 + there is almost a full hall.
In my opinion, the portions are ideal in size, it may seem that XL looks small, but I was satisfied and satisfied 100% of the time.
The quality has been excellent for the past 8 months in a row that I have known this place.
I recommend it to everyone and I will recommend it.