Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
It's just awful!!! There are places in the city where the shawarma is always excellent (checked both when opening and closing). But it's just a tin can. I ordered only about 7-8 times, and each time I hoped that it would be delicious right now, and each time I cursed myself in the end. Everything I ordered was terrible. Shawarma with beef (stuffed 50/50 potatoes and cabbage, forgot to put meat). Cheese shawarma (cabbage, cheese sauce with mayonnaise and chopped tail in a blender). But yesterday I thought I'd give you a chance, order a shawarma with a hunting sausage. If you get it, choke on it, lavash that fell apart at the first bite, 50% is mayonnaise, cheese sauce, and cabbage.... They forgot to put the hunting sausage. I live right within walking distance. But not a foot in there. I'll provide advertising for the neighbors and anyone I can notify.
Assessment according to general criteria :
First of all, I would like to note the duration of cooking without waiting in line for 20-25 minutes.
Secondly: prices. Prices are higher than average, although it is far from the city center.
Thirdly: cleanliness on the tables, crumbs and flies are constantly flying.
It tastes good, but again the price.
Since the only shawarma in the area will go, but I wanted it better.
The most delicious shawarma is here. The prices are affordable. Everything is fresh. The waiting time depends on the number of customers, but you can place an order through the app or by phone. Delivery is also available.