In the beginning, when they opened it was good, but then they served a heated barbecue, and if they had warmed it up normally, it would have been cold. Now we don't go
Recently, lamb shish kebab consists of almost one fat. There are 2 meat and 4 fat on a stick of 6 pieces. Including one huge bone with fat. In general, they became impudent. Why is there a bare bone in a kebab at all? Previously, at least the ribs were with meat, but now they serve a huge bone with fat. The service staff of Zauresh is not responsible for anything, and brazenly snaps that it does not concern her, her business is to take the money. And the taste is not the same, as if overcooked meat!!! I returned 4 pieces of fat, no reaction, as if I had brought this fat with me. Speaking of which, it can 't be !!!