Светильник "Красная роза" с клавишным переключателем в керамическом горшке
Светильник ночник "Красная роза" (фоамиран с блестками) в керамическом горшке, со светодиодной лампочкой на 3W.
60 Br
Шары круглые, звезды, сердечки фольгированные с гелием 18" в ассортименте
Шары круглые, звезды, сердечки фольгированные с гелием 18" (46 см) в ассортименте. Цена за 1 штуку - от 15 -18 BYN
15 Br1 pcs.
Сеты из 2+5 шариков
Сеты из двух фольгированный цифр (40" - около 90 см. высотой) и 5 латексных с надписями шариков, наполненных гелием. Вид и цвет шариков оговариваются заранее. Грузики и пакет для транспортировку приобретаются дополнительно. Самовывоз.
The paradox of things where goods for the holiday are sold by a man who completely spoils the mood. When I just walked into the pavilion, there was such a dissatisfaction as if I went to his house. He claims that there are no lower prices than they have anywhere. He can't even walk through a couple of pavilions on the same floor to compare prices - he immediately attacks with invented beliefs. And at the end, the person fixed "I don't like it, go buy somewhere else." Customer orientation is at a high level, well done.
The choice of goods is good. I bought threads, embroidery frames, and brooch clasps. But there were always no necessary buttons, only the ones in the window. This time there was no machine oil for the sewing machine, and it is not known when it will be. I had to go to another store.
We ordered gel balls. We did everything as I asked and on time.I really liked that he also took care and suggested how best to transport them and packed them in a bag, and as it turned out, it was very convenient.thank you very much.