This is not a cafe, and not a canteen, the service is so-so. But people come here to eat deliciously, everything is delicious here, especially homemade lagman or well-cooked tsomyan. If you are a fan of Uighur lagman, then you will definitely like the food, and I would not hurry with etkenchai, you need to be a pure Uighur to cook etkenchai in Uighur. I am a Kazakh myself, although I am madly in love with Uighur etkenchai, especially after the semi-sharp guira. According to this, the score is 4 out of 5.
I recommend a very tasty lagman and cheap 😋Many types of lagman and other different dishes.Tea or drinks to choose from.It is located in a very convenient location.There is a supermarket nearby, etc. I advise you.