Сочетание ароматного томатного соуса и четырех разных видов сыра: пармезана, гауды, моцареллы и дорблю с плесенью, который добавляет пицце пикантности и глубины вкуса
The pizza was as greasy as possible (in the photo, they had already soaked the oil with a napkin to remove it somehow; they clarified about the fat content during the order, they said that it was a normal, ordinary pizza), caesar was served in the bowl, despite the order in the hall (maybe a feature of the branch). After asking about the pizza, they carried it from hall to hall and returned it, saying that in any case, any pizza would be like that. When asked to replace the pizza or order another dish with an additional fee, we accepted the order and we simply paid for additional other dishes (in fact, we did nothing), the consumer protection law is just a joke. Please contact us!
This is the first time we have been to this point, the food is delicious, especially the rolls. I really liked the service, special thanks to Diaz, tied the box with a ribbon.
We ordered soup and sushi. The soup was brought sour. They barely returned the money for the soup and deducted the money for the dishes, they didn't even apologize. I don't recommend it. They would have taken their soured soup along with the plate for which the money was deducted