Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
1100 ₸150 g
Холодный соус французской кухни на основе майонеза и зелёного лука
A good inexpensive place! The prices are very low! The cuisine is diverse! The 2nd floor is quiet, on the ground floor with music! If you want to eat inexpensively and deliciously, then here you are!
A pleasant atmosphere, there is a main hall and a summer terrace, where everything is green and a small waterfall, beautiful decoration!A wide range of dishes, very tasty cooked and a beautiful presentation!Excellent service staff!Very clean, everything is neat!The opportunity to take ready-made kebabs to take away!The prices are reasonable!I recommend it to the guests of Almaty
The food is delicious. We ordered a lot of things. But hychines with greens, with meat, mackerel, kebabs with mushrooms, salad with chicken, which I really liked. Especially the hychines are super. We also ordered salads with Mexican and salmon, but not so much. I did not come across salmon and Mexican is not like in the picture. I didn't drink homemade wine, but who drank it didn't say anything. Khachapuri didn't like it yet, it was hard cheese. And chebureks don't seem to have enough salt. The music was live. The dance hall was probably 6 sq. m. It was cramped. There's another one on the 2nd floor, but I haven't been there. Since we had a table booked near the exit and a muzzle at our feet when someone came in. Rectangular wooden tables. There were 2 2-seater sofas and 6 chairs on the sides. We spent March 7 there. This is my first time in the area, but in the area where my job is, all the restaurants were busy. So we went there spontaneously . For 11 people, 57,000 with wine and beer, I think it's a great price.