The district doctor, with the support of the chief physician, decides how many children a young family should have, the husband and wife are healthy, forcing them to turn around...without giving a single normal argument...they are going to forcibly make a turnover to a young woman without any examinations!!! Without even thinking that they are blatantly violating the law!!! I wonder whose protection they're hoping for.???
My son got sick with chickenpox, they called a doctor at home, they didn't come, they asked me to send a photo by telegram and that's it, and then my daughter got sick with chickenpox, high fever, they didn't want to come, they called us to the clinic, there was a doctor there when we came, ran away, hid in the registry, didn't want to examine us, doctors work there in general ? They also took the Hepocratic oath.
Recently, my dad got rubella. I called the doctor and explained the red dots on my body. I begged for someone to come. Because he had a high fever that did not subside for a day. And then they just stopped picking up the phone. I had to call an ambulance, they came and took Dad away. This is generally a tin.
Oq xalat kiygan masxarabozlarni eng katta sirki. Ichgan gepokrat qasaminga senlarni.
Bir donayam normal doktor yoʻq. Xammasi musurlar.
Xammasiga inssof bersin. Korupsioner musurlar.
Some doctors are not available , they are sent to a multidisciplinary polyclinic . Some doctors take it before lunch , others after . You can take tests only in the morning , the earlier you come , the faster you will pass . Purchase a syringe and gloves for blood analysis in advance.
We went to physical therapy with my niece, the staff there is completely zero, besides the physiotherapy department is on the 4th floor. My sister, who was pregnant, drove her niece every day and it was very difficult for her, and when she gave birth, she also rose in one Bed and the eldest in the other, it was very difficult for her...
Rude stupid doctors and a nurse, the chief physician and his deputies cannot cope with their medical staff. Blood test techniques always start late, doctors are constantly trying to take money from the patient. Corruption at the highest level, incompetence, rudeness, greed, ignorance of their work is always the case here. I've complained about them many times, to no avail
There are more questions than answers! Why do the employees of the polyclinic work in adjacent areas in white coats, and then take patients in the same coats??) Why don't doctors know anything more than the diagnosis of "virus" and "it depends on your age"? Where has the annual medical examination gone?
Polyclinic 1! I came for a medical examination, the doctor did not even look at the test results, sent me for an ECG (there was no nurse, I ran after searching for the receptionist), a cardiologist, a neurologist. When the "medical examination" took place, the question arose: for what and for whom all this was necessary! Just for show! The work is in full swing!
Everything is bad. The queues are just 200 people each.
You need to sign up for them from 5 a.m.!!! Although the doctor comes from 9:00 - 9:30
Who came up with these rules so that people who are sick or pregnant come at five in the morning to get in line and stay there for 5-8 hours, and in addition they cling to more sores in this seedling.
There are doctors who are just alone in the whole Ferghana region and all people just come to them in droves from all districts
Everything is fine. Someone who doesn't like it. Try not to get sick then. And get treated at home. Such polyclinics have been established in Ferghana for a long time. It embellishes the city. That's commendable.🙏🙏🙏🙏. And the people use it. It is necessary to thank.
Family Polyclinic. The way of work has remained since Soviet times. There are a lot of people, queues, stuffiness in the corridors... There are few good doctors... Many work for a pharmaceutical company...