Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
8.9 Br100 g
Луковые кольца
Аппетитная закуска или гарнир, приготовленная из лука в панировке, обжаренного до хрустящей корочки
7.5 Br100 g
Отлично сочетаются с различными соусами, овощами или салатами, чтобы создать более полноценное и сытное блюдо (5 шт.)
7.9 Br100 g
Ароматный и нежный соус, который придаёт блюдам богатый вкус и насыщенную текстуру. Он идеально сочетается с различными закусками, грилем, сэндвичами и салатами
One of the few pleasant places in Moscow, where it is quite cozy and comfortable to spend time, as well as have a delicious meal.
There are breakfasts and brunches, the choice of food is quite diverse and there have been no questions about the quality of the food so far. I would also like to mention the availability of craft wines and beers.
The staff is polite and attentive, and the atmosphere is conducive to having a good time. 😁👌
The only drawback may be the small tables, but this does not spoil the impression of the place at all!
It's a very pleasant place. The staff is polite, the food is divinely delicious, the beer is fresher, the music is good and not too loud, which makes it comfortable to communicate with friends. The service is excellent. Quickly, efficiently and politely. I will be in Mogilev, I will come here without fail.
It's a very pleasant place. Every season, a new menu is introduced - and it is always very tasty. I would say that it is one of the most delicious establishments in Mogilev, and I am picky about food. Clean, neat. The staff is friendly. They always ask if you liked the dish or what you didn't like.
Everything is cozy in the interior. Of the disadvantages, it is more a feature of the room, of course there is not enough space, but against the background of great food you do not notice this.