Отличный отель за свои деньги. Удобное расположение - до пляжа 5 минут, рядом рестораны, кафе, аптеки, ночные клубы на пляже. Номера большие, чистые, незаюзанные. У нас был номер на 19 этаже с балконом - вид на море. Убирали каждый день, полотенца тоже меняли каждый день. Завтраки однообразные, но голодными не останетесь. Мясо в разных вариациях было всегда :) Вот ребёнка накормить - думаю будет проблематично - нет каш, блинчиков, никакой выпечки, нет сливочного масла ( был спрэд), нет сыра. Овощи, фрукты были всегда. Но лучше приходить на завтрак пораньше.
The hotel is located on the first coastline. To the beach, on foot, leisurely - 5 minutes. There are many pharmacies, shops, cafes, massage parlors and other hotels around. The hotel has a lot of Russian-speaking guests. All information in the hotel is in 4 languages (English, Russian, Chinese (or maybe Karelian, since I don't understand hieroglyphs) and Vietnamese). Since the hotel is located in the city, the pool is located on the roof of the hotel (21st floor). There is also a treadmill and an exercise bike (apparently to burn extra calories, which you inevitably gain on vacation). Also, on this floor there is a room with tables and chairs (apparently for friendly gatherings and business meetings). There is a dining room on the 3rd floor. She works from 6:30 to 9:00. Access to the dining room is made using special plastic cards, which are checked by a canteen employee at the entrance. The menu is certainly modest and people who are used to delicacies will be dissatisfied, but you definitely will not stay hungry. There are soups, main courses, salads, salads, seasonings, meat, side dishes, vegetables, fruits, juices, teas. You can order breakfast in advance if you plan an early excursion. You need to inform the reception about this in advance, specifying the number and the time when you plan to pick up breakfast at the reception. You pick him up there in the morning. You can also take beach towels at the reception by signing up for a special magazine.
In the hotel, all towels, bathroom accessories, slippers, which are issued upon arrival, etc., are branded.
The entrance to the room is carried out using a special card, which, when placed in a special slot, includes electrical appliances in the room.
The room has everything you need: air conditioning (which is set up from a special remote control located on the wall near the bed), a safe (with instructions for installing your code), a small refrigerator, a kettle, a telephone for contacting the reception and other rooms (with instructions for use), a mirror, a beauty zone for women. Free water (one bottle per person), which is replenished during cleaning.
There is a special switch in the room to inform the hotel staff about the need for cleaning, as well as a switch that turns off the doorbell and forms - do not disturb.
The bathroom in the room is combined, very spacious (although there is such a feature as a large window between the bathroom and the room, which can be closed with a roll curtain).
The room has a balcony.
Now, about the disadvantages of which I removed one star.
In a hotel with more than half of the Russian-speaking tourists, it would be possible to hire staff with whom you could communicate without the help of a translator on the phone. There is no way to dry things in the room (swimsuits, swimming trunks, etc.). We took hangers from the closet and hung them on the balcony, and neighbors from St. Petersburg got a rope somewhere and built an improvised dryer.
Well, tiny ants were noticed in the room, which did not cause any concern, but still it seems to me they should not have been in the room.
I didn't like the hotel! Now we are resting here , the location is not convenient , the view from window to window and from the balcony to the buildings , the staff is rude , they meet at the entrance with a stone face , they clean the room for a while , they do not report shower accessories , they can not give towels for two days , offering a discount on the tour , they try to compensate by paying for each step , the food is monotonous , one name is a buffet , I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT !