We received the parcel quickly, there were no problems. We decided to send our personal belongings so as not to drag them further along the route Vietnam-Kumertau. At first, the parcel was not sent for 2 weeks, because there was some kind of bug in the system in Russia. OK. Then the parcel was detained at customs and a strange GBS company wrote, demanding personal data, which is not very good to send by mail. Then the same company started requesting a list of products and receipts! I remind you, these are personal items! OK, we've gone through that too. Now the parcel has been under customs inspection for 3 weeks (awesome, right?). And so on 18.07 (2 months later!) the parcel gets to the sorting point in Moscow and.. silence! It is now 24.07, nothing more is known about the parcel. We were promised that the parcel would arrive in 2 weeks (!), as a result, after 2 months it is not there yet. In addition, people who could have accepted this parcel in Kumertau are returning home to St. Petersburg. Now we need to change the address! I can't even imagine how many more difficulties we have to go through in order for our little backpack with things to get home! By the way, we once sent a 14 kg parcel from India! It arrived by regular mail and reached St. Petersburg in 2 weeks without any of our participation. We used SDEK before, now we won't. Terrible attitude! This is a terrible situation!