I do not recommend studying at this school. the whole team takes on too much, a lot of prohibitions about appearance, hair, nails, accessories, clothes, makeup, and as soon as they are asked to show the charter of the school, they immediately excuse themselves. the students are mostly aggressive and often shoot, most teachers explain the material very poorly, the guard at school can just push so that the student leaves the hall for no reason, they teach Kazakh poorly, here and without knowledge of basic Kazakh from an early age, they do not understand anything at all, they require the student to be already an expert in the Kazakh language and knew The language is better than the teacher himself 😐 it 's good that I don 't study here anymore
Favorite school 🥰 year of graduation 2008 🫶🏻 how do I remember our discos on the 1st floor and in the gym , Valentine's Day 🥰 , weddings in the dining room were done)) at that time, the school was great and the teachers were👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
The school is cool, I'm studying there now. now it has been renovated, everything is beautiful. new young teachers have come who will always help, everything is cool in general