hello! the school itself is good, but the head teachers are sometimes very angry when the whole class has done nothing, for example, Aizhan seyrzhanovna. The English teachers are very cool! they feed in the canteen, but it's very cold there. The food from the canteen poisoned me! the program in grades 4 is very easy, the kindest primary school teachers are Lyubov Konstantinovna, Natalia Alexandrovna
There is little lighting, on the approaches to the school, especially from the side opposite the magician. blue in the courtyards of two-story buildings, a good place to break legs or arms, or stumble upon a maniac for children.
The best school in the area.Teachers love children and their work..Many thanks and a low bow to Irina Alexandrovna, Yulia Vladimirovna and Mahabbat Serikovna