At the reception, she was met by an outwardly sweet girl who quickly made an impression by opening her outwardly beautiful mouth.
Still, being able to talk to people is a significant factor in this area.
What can I say, what will you call the ship!
In the face of our family, the studio lost 4 clients at once, without even having time to start cooperating.
I'd rather visit places farther away and more expensive, but with people who talk to you like a person.
I wish the studio management a wise rebranding and revision of the personnel policy so as not to lose already "hot" clients.
Приветливые Мастера (действительно с большой буквы!!!), пунктуальны, интересный и стильный интерьер, а музыкальное сопровождение - это особый шарм заведения. Мне нравится посещать, уходишь с хорошим настроением, отдельное спасибо кудеснику женских стрижек Николаю.