The supermarket is very expensive, and the choice is not that big. We ate twice at the food court, both times the food was so-so, and the last time we took chops with cheese caps - so there was 3 times more mayonnaise in these caps than meat! Even for us, fans of mayonnaise, it turned out to be too much, it was impossible to eat. This cap was peeled off, and the meat under it was dense and tough.
Maybe there is a normal meal there, but we didn't come across it. We haven't been going there since.
The ordering system is very inconvenient, you can order in different places, but the delivery takes place in others, the menu on the screens is not fixed and constantly moves in a circle, that is, if you want to order something specific, you need to run after your menu
In addition, after receiving the receipt, you need to find the place where the order will be prepared, come to give it to the order to start cooking, no one says this (burgers, by the way, are not marked in any way, you need to ask everyone), because of this I waited 20 minutes, then they explained this system to me, and We have to wait another 20 minutes to cook
In general, it is very inconvenient and not intuitive to do everything