Магазин неплох стал. После Виталюра ассортимент и раскладка поменялись однозначно в лучшую сторону. Конечно есть еще куда развиваться, но прогресс налицо.
Но самый крупный минус: в магазине всего 30 человек покупателей от силы и 20 из них стоят в 2 кассы на оплату... И это после работы. Поэтому увеличьте количество касс работающих хотя бы с 17.00 до 20.00. И тогда поток покупателей заметно возрастет. Твердая тройка с большими перспективами к более высоким оценкам.
The district store, formerly Vitalur,has everything you need, the assortment is not the widest, but sufficient,there are often promotions and advertising games. There is a pharmacy and a pet store in the store building! There are self-service ticket offices!
The price tags do not correspond to reality. The price is 6.79 rubles, at the checkout it breaks 7.49. There is no valid price tag for the product. When asked to issue a complaint book, the senior cashier came up and said that someone had "made a joke" and put the wrong price tag (quote). She didn't give me a complaint book. The freshness of many products is generally a separate story for complaint. Products of own production (for example, sushi or salads) are often yesterday / the day before yesterday, or even older. Bread is always the day before yesterday, even though every day you go to look for today. The store has very few employees, there is swearing at the checkout every other day, because there are a lot of people, and there is no one to serve. In general, it's bad.