The store is large, the sellers are polite, the display of goods is acceptable, everything is available. The assortment is large, discounts are provided on the card. I made a proposal to set a price determinant. It was promptly installed. There are few good luck items, sometimes there is almost no choice. I wish success to the employees and the store as a whole. it's worth a 1-star rating.this is for exorbitant prices , as if only millionaires live in Svetloselsky and the second is always one cashier .Thank God for being polite is one virtue .I don't see it anymore. And I'm not going to .what is the truth that stings your eyes.a.?. better change the pricing policy.
The store is really cool. Once I stopped by for meat for a barbecue. I liked the large selection . It was already late in Vitebsk, I poked into one, the second store. There is, but it is not beautiful. I've already said goodbye to the barbecue.At the last moment, I realized that there was a Santa in Shumilino on the way, just an hour left before closing time. It wasn't there, I think I'll turn it up. And I definitely saw beautiful, measured pieces of meat just what I needed.