Good marketing with an excellent assortment. Most importantly, look carefully at the promotional price tags and deadlines.
I recommend cooking. It's good.
Minus: queues at the ticket offices. But this is the problem of the whole "big" trade today.
You just can't wait for someone to come to you for self-service.
I waited for 10 minutes, no one came up and just the cash register flew out, with the error that the cash register was not working, in general, the buzz
So, 3 months have passed, nothing has changed, the staff also doesn't care about their work, it would be great if they made at least some conditions for visitors with animals, the other day I was driving with a cat from the vet and went into the store with a carrier, there is nowhere to leave the carrier, the security guard lets through at the entrance to the store, I pick up groceries, go to the checkout, and they tell me that they won't serve me, I understand that you can't go to the store with an animal, even in a carrier, but why can't you say so right away, why wait 30 minutes for a person to take the groceries and only then refuse service, why can't you do it right away
In general, one of the worst networks in the Republic of Belarus, I do not recommend it.
I like the chain of stores, but there is a caveat. Where do these prices for Cherry tomatoes come from? Almost 40 rubles per kg. Let's say the same tomatoes on the market (50 meters from the store) cost 28 rubles. The same price (28 rubles) is available at the Discounter store, which is located 100 meters away.