It seems like a normal store. And the assortment and self-service are great. But... A huge fly in the ointment is the sausage department. Tvm costs 7 or eight weights of trading places. And there is always one seller for 7 scales. And for sausages, and for cheeses, and for fish, and for finished products such as rolls and salads... One seller for 7 scales ....?? And more.. Tell me, where did you find such a harmful seller? Are all redheads and thin people so mean and harmful???
The store is big, you can find everything. but! In the department of own production, you can easily run into products made from low-quality raw materials. I bought chicken meatballs, and the fresh ones were far from fresh. The chicken legs, smoked on natural wood chips, were made from stale chicken, and even smoking did not kill the flavor. I don't want to say and I won't say that everything is bad with their own production department, but there are problems.
An expensive store. For many positions, the price tag is 25-40 percent more expensive than similar ones in others, even small ones. For the owners of the store, this is of course Super, but not so much for ordinary customers. Yes, there are discounts, but mainly on non-marketable goods, in order to sell illiquid. Yes, there is a discount for pensioners, but it is imposed by the government, so to speak, voluntarily and forcibly.