A good place with a sincere team. Your child is under the reliable supervision of experienced teachers. Competent management. They are engaged with children, and not left to themselves. And the atmosphere itself...special, nice and cozy and beautiful. I want to become a little boy myself and go to this kindergarten ...)))
+ the kindergarten is wonderful, the teachers are professionals - everything, the doctor is attentive, the nurse massages the children- smart, the chefs cook delicious
- there are no drying cabinets in the garden at all, instead heating pipes run under the cabinets, but absolutely nothing is heated and children's clothes in wet weather or in winter when it snows outside will always be wet. Educators, if they dry children's clothes on batteries, are told off by the head, since this cannot be done (a vicious circle), but the same head does nothing to install drying cabinets..
- the head reacts only to written comments, talking to her is useless at all, she does not want to listen and will not do anything, she shifts all her responsibilities to the staff with the same responsibility.