Прогулочный электровеломобиль подарит вам незабываемые впечатления от поездок. Оборудован электромотором, который развивает до 25км.ч. Запас хода 50км
Грузоподьемность 250 кг
30 Br30 min
Большой выбор детских электромобилей на любой вкус и возраст.
Все электромобили оборудованны пультами дистанционного управления.
10 Br10 min
Карт подходит для взрослых и детей ростом от 130 до 190 см. Его длину можно регулировать в 4-ех положениях. Грузоподъемность достигает 100 кг.
The best rental cars for a child. The area of the park is huge, you can ride wherever you want, and this is a huge plus. We always take a typewriter for at least 30 minutes. We rolled over almost the entire fleet.
Very cool electric go-karts rental, quite reasonable prices, the route is quite large and interesting, a great way to have a great ride in Loshitsky Park. Transport is quite fast, so it will bring emotions)
Super, I really liked it, especially the child, we rented 2 go-karts for 30 minutes, this time was enough to go through the entire track twice from start to finish, after which there was still time to hone the skills of entering long turns at speed and even drive a hundred meters from the spot)))) I definitely advise you, there is no space speed here, but you can drive an adrenaline rush!