Купили сервер, немного смущало что б/у, но гарантия 3 года, очень комфортная цена и грамотная консультация подкупили). В итоге купили сервер в Sale-server.uz и остались очень довольны.
Отдельная благодарность за то что вошли в ситуацию и всю работу провели в выходной день.
Очень рекомендую Sale-server !
Server sotib oldik, avval ishlatilgan uchun biroz xijolat tortdik, lekin 3 yillik kafolat, juda qulay narx va malakali maslahat bizni yutib oldi). Natijada Sale-server.uz dan server sotib oldik va bundan juda mamnun bo'ldik.
Dam olish kuniga qaramasdan vaziyatga kirganingiz va barcha ishlarni bajarganingiz uchun alohida rahmat.
Men Sale-serverni tavsiya qilaman!
Hello! I recommend this company to everyone! We have purchased three servers for the project in Uzbekistan. Previously, we had to import it ourselves. Now there is no point in bothering, it is more profitable to purchase a sale server + availability + warranty. The guys worked for a solid five. I would like to emphasize the attitude of the staff towards the client. Timur, thank you for the advice and help. It was convenient to get the servers on the weekend and they went to a meeting without any conversations, Good luck to your company!
We bought a server, it was a little confusing that it was used, but the warranty is 3 years, a very comfortable price and competent advice were bribed). As a result, we bought a server in the Sale-server.uz and were very satisfied.
Special thanks for getting into the situation and doing all the work on a day off.
I highly recommend the Sale server!