Хит продаж! Изготовлен из высоко прочного поликарбоната.
В наличии отличные предложения- комплект со скидкой до 20%.
339 Br1 pcs.
Супер удобная дорожная подушка "Verage", более 7 расцветок.
Подушка для отдыха и путешествий Verage предназначена для долгих поездок или авиаперелётов, материал основы - микрофибра, наполнитель- антистрессовые (PP) полипропиленовые микрошарики, экологически безопасны, не электризуются, эргономичное положен...
39 Br1 pcs.
Чемоданы из 100% полипропилена VERAGE ROME
Новeйшая разработка от Verage из коллекции ROME - LIGHT (РИМ – ЛЕГКИЕ). Mатериал корпуса – 100% полипропилен – гарантия производителя.
В наличии 6 расцветок!
389 Br1 pcs.
Непромокаемый чемодан VERAGE Cambridge
Модель из коллекции CAMBRIDGE, материал верха - полиэстер “Super Lightweight” с полиуретановым, водонепроницаемым покрытием.
A great store for travelers! There is a large selection of suitcases, the prices are good, and the staff is always ready to help with the selection. I bought a suitcase here at the best price in Minsk. I recommend it!
We bought three suitcases in the manazine, at different times, each time we returned to them, since in the store on Timiryazev, 125 there is a huge selection of suitcases for every taste and budget. Sales consultants are very helpful, tell you in detail and explain all the nuances of suitcases. On one of the trips, I forgot to unfasten the wheels in my suitcase and one got lost during the flight. I turned to the repair of suitcases, it turned out that only the painted wheels are suitable for this model, universal ones will not work. Naturally, the necessary ones were not available in any workshop. I was very upset and turned to the store, they treated me sympathetically and not indifferent. They didn't have spare wheels, but they contacted the production and ordered them for me. We were kept informed of the delivery. They answered all my questions and supported me in every possible way. I am very grateful to them for this. I don't always find this attitude. I highly recommend this suitcase and handbag store.
I took my first suitcase from this store four years ago. As soon as I realized that I needed a suitcase for hand luggage, I immediately remembered about this store and took the same small version of the yellow suitcase. The store and staff are great, thank you and I recommend it!