Классический бисквит в сочетании с нежной меренгой, ягодным конфи и творожно йогуртовый кремом.
Украшен печеньем савоярди, ягодным желе и ягодами по сезону.
Торт рассчитан на 8 - 10 персон.
215000 сўм1 pcs.
Адмирал торт круглый
Торт состоит из макового, орехового и шоколадного классического бисквита, Пропитанного молочным сиропом в сочетании из крема с ириской, шоколадным кремом и вишневым конфи.
Торт рассчитан на 12-14 персон.
Oooh, really a cafe with European standards. It's beautiful, clean, cozy, but it's delicious, and the assortment is so wide, and you can lick your fingers on pies, especially apple and cherry. I recommend. Thanks to the authors of culinary masterpieces! Special respect to the owners! Good luck in business!!!
Safiya, it's cozy, clean and tidy, but sometimes the music is too loud, it 's necessary to think over this issue from the branch management! And in general, the friendly staff is very good, there is a delicious assortment, everyone will find what they like.
P.S. we should already open another branch, for example, in the direction of the New Bazaar in our city)