1 pcs.Можно устанавливать на потолок или на пол, в зависимости от размеров и назначения помещения. Блок оснащен функцией автоматического качания горизонтальных и вертикальных воздушных заслонок, что обеспечивает более равномерный и комфортный воздушный ...
Oh, yes! This is a store in the central market of Sukhum! I bought a voltage stabilizer here. A good store, courteous staff and convenient that right at the market where everyone goes!
Good afternoon, I want to express my deep gratitude to the department, kitchens and floor coverings. We ordered a kitchen,, Loft,,. Thanks to the well-coordinated work of the managers, I became the owner of a high-quality kitchen!!! I would like to note the professionalism of Sofia and Madina from the wholesale department, who worked perfectly in tandem, they are real professionals in their field!!!
Terrible warehouse service. People have been searching for the door for 40 minutes. Then they go to look for the box. Then they go to look for platbands....an hour of wasted time. One door.