Having an education and a diploma is a huge plus, but first of all you need to be a Human Being. Tuliev Igor Rustamovich - Associate Professor of Law Faculty of the Russian Academy of Sciences. I flew to Russia to get citizenship. I took 2 thousand Ross with me, which I lost at the airport. It was his fault that they almost missed the plane on November 4, 2021.
On November 3, I got drunk in my doctor's office, pissed myself, and was barely woken up at the airport.
I arrived with a divorced sister and small children. All expenses per sq. m. Food. The certification of documents and even cigarettes were on me. As a result, he was beaten in front of the children. Received gr. And without apologizing, he flew away. At the same time, I borrowed $ 2,000, put my wife's teeth on implants and did not return them for 2 years. A criminal case has been opened. He does not appear in court. This is not his first beating. He beat his grandmother at the age of 20, the case was also not started.
He is prone to binge drinking and unbalanced. The passion for big money is everywhere looking for benefits and making friends with the right people.
Great university! Highly qualified pedogagic composition! Metadists who are gradually and always ready to help. Excellent cuisine with excellent chefs and low prices.
Excellent and understanding attitude of teachers and employees.Clear and interesting training.A lot of educational work.And the most important thing is the teaching of friendship and understanding that there are no boundaries to learning, internationality is welcome.The ability to see each student as a person, to understand, support and believe in her.