Тэн галогеновый (лампа) для аэрогриля (240V, 50/60Hz, 800-1000W/1000-1200W/1200-1400W, D=140mm)
16.2 Br1 pcs.
Коплер моторной части блендера Tefal серий HB700/6W0
Оригинальная муфта блендера Tefal для кухонных комбайнов и блендеров мощностью 700 Вт.
Совместима с моделями блендеров Tefal SERIE HB700/6W0.
7 Br
Втулка блендера Braun 7322113974
Втулка изготовлена из высококачественных материалов, которые обеспечивают ее долговечность и надёжность. Она прочная и устойчива к износу, что позволяет использовать ее в течение длительного времени.
The store has closed at this address. Changed locations. When I applied here earlier, the pretended polite communication of the staff caught my eye. I wanted to say, "I don't believe it!" Just before I went in, I stayed in the vestibule to answer an SMS message. Meanwhile, homeric laughter and mats could be heard from the store. I go in, and there's a consultant girl and a guy, the store staff. Of course, experts helped with the selection of parts for household appliances. But the sediment, purely subjective, remained.
a great store. special thanks to Anastasia's manager. he explains everything competently, is well-versed in technical issues, and was very pleased with the trip.Hats off!