Hello! The store is small but cozy, the sellers are friendly, as long as there are no shops in the new area, then this store is an option, nearby and almost everything is what you need.
Hello, there are good, polite sellers in this store, but not all products are available, sometimes they may not be at all, too lazy to make an order.There is no necessary mixture for baby food Bellact hypoallergenic,there are few dairy products,tarts are generally frozen, there are no necessary cigarettes at all , they are not ordered at all, there are no price tags at all, mainly for bakery products,they are overpriced .There is no administration in this store .Administration respond to this review, take action, we will write further
The price tags are mixed up in places, you can't find anything, the prices are sky-high. There are no confectionery products , cookies by weight of different varieties . Dear store administration, do everything for people, convenient and affordable. Thanks