1. Everyone who travels with a container of more than 50L, please come either on a weekday or early in the morning on weekends. Because at the moment the water has become slower and on weekends you have to wait 1.5-2 hours in line ...
2. If you take a folding chair with you, your feet will thank you
3. If you still got into a queue of 6 cars (they occupy the queue for cars), feel free to go for a walk along the shore or as we did today, took a queue, went to a restaurant, ate and returned 1.5 hours later and walked for 15 minutes and then waited for 20 minutes and it was our turn. Of course, not everyone has enough nerves to wait 2 hours.
Delicious water! If only to refine the fontanel and it will be quite good! I found a printout of the composition of this water on the Internet: it is quite "alive"