Yesterday was the day of Triglav (Ingle, Trojan, Volkh)
On this day, people enter the period of the sun's spiritual and bodily purification.
The water in the spring is delicious, but there is a lot of scale in the kettle.
A good spring, the water is delicious. It is not very beautifully equipped, but it is functional. It is located near the road. If you have to collect water, you will have to stop the car on the side of the road, there is nowhere else. The nearest parking lot is near the cafe Ptich.
We have been collecting water from this spring for about ten years. At first, his location inside the transport interchange caused wariness... But water from the city's water supply system and even bottled water, purely at least in terms of taste, is clearly not better! Therefore, we "bowed down in front of this spring", After all, water is coming from the ground.
It is sad when some people leave garbage and unusable bottles do not clean up after themselves, and show vandal tendencies.
And now I don't understand those people who come to collect clean water and at the same time puffing cigarettes like steam locomotives at all near the spring!
Always delicious water, replenish your supply and quench your thirst at any time of the year
The spring is simple without any problems
Drink and rejoice 👍
Guys, this is not a spring. This is the drainage that runs through the body of the dam, in technical terms. These "springs" dot the entire dam of the reservoir. Strange translucent flakes float in the water after freezing. Try it and you will be surprised)
Родник находится недалеко от Минска, поэтому пользуется спросом. Вода хорошая, приятная на вкус. Рядом через мост находится второй ключ, у которого качество воды хорошее
Неплохой магазин. Цены вас однозначно приятно удивят что немаловажно. По наличию и качеству товара то не стоит эту тему подымать - все как везде. Рынок может отдыхать и спать спокойно не раздумывая приезжайте сюда не пожалеете.
Хорошая водичка , но в чайнике оставляет накипь .
По слухам экспертиза воды показала низкое содержание вредных веществ и завышены минералы , но это только слухи .
Отличный источник питьевой воды!Приятная по вкусовым качествам вода. Минус данной локации, это необходимость парковать автомобиль прямо на проезжей части, что достаточно опасно.