The prices are as pleasant as possible, the small size seems to benefit the hall, there is magnesia and there are no questions about the equipment in general, but the students who actively rush there after 5 are annoying, but this is a temporary inconvenience, the big minus is the shower, it is as bad as possible, but since the people who study there live 5 minutes from the hall, this is not a problem Consider the top admins the best I've ever met.
The legendary hall from which my journey began. A 50% discount for schoolchildren is an ingenious action that motivates the modern pampered generation to play sports. Stanislav, an excellent coach, will always tell you about the technique if you are doing something wrong. The hall is small, but this is not only a minus, but also a plus, because because of its size it acquires a kind of niche and forms a dense community where every time you see the same people and you can easily make new acquaintances and find yourself a gymbro