The most visited Shopping mall in the city. Having 4 floors of premises . There is a pharmacy, electrical appliances, jewelry, groceries, pet store, children's goods, clothing, jewelry, etc.
A large shopping center for this gopod, convenient Parking nearby, although there is not always enough parking space, especially during rush hours. On the ground floor there is a Eurooat store, on the second floor there is a Belfarm Pharmacy, a Jewelry store, a mag Cosmetic bag, a Milpuavica and several retail outlets of individual entrepreneurs, on the 3rd floor there is a prof cosmetics store. Of the cons - as everywhere else, there are long queues in Euroopt during rush hour, and either I was so lucky 2 times, or this is a normal practice in Euroopt, you can come and stand in front of the store mine and start laying out goods from the cart on the other hand, allegedly I am an employee of the store, I have the right to do shopping without a queue, but I think it's most likely the costs of a small town.