I brought them a cookie. The bosch combine harvester said, "please call the master to find out how much money it will cost to replace the internal part and repair the cabinet itself. bosch combine harvester", as the office staff categorically refused to persuade them to call the master, they said that they would hand over their product and they would test it, testing is paid. Naturally, I refused to hand over, not knowing how much the repair would cost, the services of the master themselves, which would change the part in a heap. bosch combine harvester, not to mention the replacement of spare parts of gears in the kuch. at the bosch combine, in case of failure to repair, I have to pay them for testing. I read that if the master is on site, he must come out and say how much it will cost approximately, replacing the part and the repair itself. Be careful when contacting their fraudulent schemes, because they can name any amount for repairs, and if I refuse such repairs, I will have to fork out and pay them for testing. Be careful, it's my job to warn you, and it's up to you to decide if you have extra money, then you're welcome here.
I applied to this organization twice, warranty and non-warranty case. Prompt resolution of issues. Professional service. Competent explanation of the reasons for the failure of the devices. The only inconvenience is the work schedule. Please consider a possible schedule change, from 9.00 to 18.00 is very inconvenient. Despite this, I recommend it.