The situation: I passed the tick for analysis, the next day I did not receive the result by mail, I called - 16:33, but no one answered. I called the next day, and they tell me that they sent it on the day of the analysis.
I ask the address again and it becomes clear that I made a mistake in the letter in it.(At the same time, the host noticed that the letter in the name was missing, but did not say anything. It's important to be right here, that it's your own fault, right?).
As a result, the result was forwarded: borreliosis.
How are you doing there? I also understand if nothing is found, but when they have found and it is the watch that is important, do not call, it is incredible!
A nice modern center , BUT which spoils the whole impression… how can I get through to you to make an appointment for the tests? 756 calls - busy ! I got through 3 times and never got an answer !!! Why do Chinese volunteers have the opportunity to pick up the test result in the evening on the day of delivery or in the morning, but the citizens of this named country do not have any opportunities.??!?!—"Wait for the specified time" ... why does the same Chinese "volunteer" organization have the opportunity to enroll a person for the test on the dates he needs for payment, of course (and then what kind of volunteer organization is it), and a citizen does not even have the opportunity to get through or register through the website?!?!
One word, the state structure, they are raking in such money, but they cannot establish a normal service. I can't get through, and if you do get through at the reception, it feels like I called to borrow money. Ugh, damn it!!!