The painting of the sole is not of high quality. On the very first day of wearing, the paint flew off. When asked why they say that, we forgot to warn them that it doesn't hold well on the rubber surface. The quality of the work is terrible.
The backdrop of the newbelance sneakers has passed. The quality is terrible. It needs to be redone. I thought they'd redo it. They replied, sorry, but alas. So I don't recommend it. There are much better services on the market for this amount.
Sifati dahshatli. Uni qayta ishlash kerak. Men ular bilan bog'landim, ular buni qayta tiklaydilar. Kechirasiz, lekin afsuski, deb javob berishdi. Shuning uchun men buni tavsiya qilmayman. Bozorda bu miqdor uchun ancha yaxshi xizmatlar mavjud.
Excellent workshop, I gave shoes for repair several times, everything is super. The owners are very pleasant to communicate with, they are like to the point with a soul. I definitely recommend it!
2 months ago, koja gave my shoes, kraska sepin was accused of correcting the folded form for 200,000 rubles that we will spend 1 Week. The missing were found in a little less than 1 month.
Kraska's work looked good at the beginning, but it was said that his form could not be corrected. Obketib returned to his previous state again after wearing 3 times, when his freshly sprinkled crasca went out. The Crackle is flashing at the beginning and then very quickly fading away.