Новый Renault DUSTER — это полностью новый кузов, полностью новый интерьер и самые современные опции.
74000 Br
Новый кроссовер Renault KAPTUR всегда в центре внимания. 24 варианта окраски кузова — это ваша свобода самовыражения. Элегантный образ автомобиля отлично сочетается с динамичными линиями кузова.
69000 Br
LOGAN Stepway
Мощные бамперы, дорожный просвет 205 мм, защитный обвес кузова, большие колеса и cветодиодная оптика LED C-Shape - новый кросс-седан LOGAN Stepway выглядит свежо и динамично.
44900 Br
Будьте в центре внимания! Яркий силуэт купе-кроссовера притягивает к себе взгляды. Renault ARKANA гармонично сочетает элегантность и силу, подчеркнутую мускулистыми линиями кузова.
Thank you very much for the quality and attentive service
On the day of March 8th, we drove THAT car and congratulated it. Thank you for being in Polotsk.
Good morning. I want to write a review because I 'm sick . Every time you contact the service, the car turns into a wreck. I went to change the light bulb and they didn 't do it . As soon as I left the salon , it was still burning , but the next day it stopped . When driving , the low beam shone three meters in front of the car and the far one as the near one . When I called the center right away , they told me to drive more carefully and everyone is shining like that . But before that I had a good light . When asked to put a cover on the car seat , they did not refuse , but they put it on so that it slipped the next day . And they took a lot of money.
If you are currently looking for a decent car, I advise you to look into this salon. The choice is good, the prices are reasonable. Consultants are smart, they pay attention to each client