Физическое и программное отключение ЕГР
Компьютерная диагностика
Stage 1,2,3
Удаление Экологии
Цены уточняйте по Телефону: +375291812301
300 Br
Программное и физическое удаление сажевого фильтра от
Программное и физическое удаление сажевого фильтра
300 Br
Программное и физическое удаление Катализатора от
Программное и физическ ое удаление катализаторов.
300 Br
Физическое и программное удаление ЕГР от
Физическое и программное удаление ЕГР
300 Br
Ремонт турбин - Гомель, ремонт от
Диагностика турбин бесплатная. Ремонт турбин и автомобилей от 2 часов с гарантией 1 год по РБ и РФ.
300 Br
Компьютерная диагностика - Гомель
Физическое и программное отключение ЕГР
Компьютерная диагностика
Снятие/установ ка блоков ЭБУ
Прошивка блоков ЭБУ
Stage 1,2,3
Удаление Экологии
It so happened that I had to search all over the city where to repair a turbine from 1.9 dTi. It turned out that it was some kind of rare and even used prices were called to me in the region of 600 rubles.
We turned to several services, all refused that there were no spare parts.
I was already going to change to CDi, but decided to ask one last time, I thought they would refuse too...
And I was pleasantly surprised, they met me on the call, although it was a day off, they assured me that it would be OK, like "and they did not do that"😀
As a result, I got a new turbine, not much more expensive than a "pig in a poke" from disassembly.
Moreover, the turbine was not just defective, but broken into trash
Turbines are made very well and efficiently, and they themselves can remove the old one and install a new one, which is sometimes very convenient, good staff.